9 Essentials To Keep Your Plants Alive In The Fall/Winter

Fall/winter is a time where not only you want to cozy up and rest, but your plants what to as well. During the Fall/winter your plants will need a little switch up in their care routines, like running the humidifier or watering less.

9 Essentials To Keep Your Plants Alive In The Fall/Winter

These are some essentials for plants in the fall/winter that will keep your houseplants happy and thriving during their non-growing season.

  1. Hygrometer – Oh boy, do you need one of these babies! A hygrometer is essential because it going to tell you how cold (or warm) it is in your home. This also reads humidity so you’ll know if the humidity drops too low.
  2. Tabletop Humidifier – A great option for an area of plants that like to kick it tropical style. During the fall/winter your home will to lose humidity due to the dry heat that’s pumping through. I love that it has a dial to adjust the amount of mist.
  3. Mini Portable Humidifier – Have a small space? This humidifier is pretty powerful for a smaller area. You will need a cup or container to place it in. *Tip: try moving all your humid-loving plants to one area and place the humidifier there.
  4. Moisture Meter – Your new BFF. Moisture meters are going to help you take the guesswork out of watering. Remember, plants don’t need to be watered as often in the fall/winter. This will help gauge when you need to water to avoid getting root rot.
  5. Grow Light Strips – The perfect grow lights for your plant selfie. These powerful full spectrum led lights will keep your plants growing even in the non-growing season.
  6. Grow Light Bulb – A grow light that won’t ruin your aesthetic. This full spectrum GE light bulb will fit any standard lamp. This is great for a area that doesn’t get much natural light in the fall/winter.
  7. SUPERthrive – We aren’t supposed to fertilize as much in the fall/winter, but using this will give your plants a nice dose of vitamins and minerals. This can help with plants that are susceptible to going dormant – like alocasias.
  8. Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew – I don’t know about you, but pest seem to stay dormant until the fall. This Dead Bug Brew will kill essentially everything!
  9. Systemic Granduals – If you want to know how I keep my plants (for the most part) pest free – it’s these! Just sprinkle into your soil, water it in, and this will protect your plants from pests for up to 8 weeks!

Getting these essentials for your plants in the fall/winter, will lead you to a successful non-growing season!

If you want more info on how to care for your plants during the fall and winter, check out my blog here.

*links are affiliated, I’ll receive a small commission on purchases made through this post.

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